Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Aboriginal discovery's

Ash needed to spend a day in camp today licking rocks, so I decided to do a little exploring. I went to an area of granite by a dry river as I thought it was a likely spot for the aborigines to hang out. There were some depressions in the rock that would hold water when the river was dry. Sure enough I found about half a dozen grinding rubs where they ground up seeds for flour. You can clearly feel the smooth depression in the rock surface. I also found stone that had been used for grinding and some worked stone for cutting tools. On the way back to camp I saw a granite dyke that was close to the river bank and I thought it might be a good place to look for petroglyphs ( rock art ). I crawled all over the dyke in the midday heat and was just about to give it away when I found what I was looking for. Check out the photos. 
From what I can work out on the Internet this symbol means "main camp fire with tracks". Cool hey. I'm sure there will be more stuff there. Ill go back when it's cooler. 
Grinding rub with grinding stone ( see smooth patch top right. 
Grinding rubbing and worked flint tool 
Can you see the depression in this rock by the river. Would have been a great spot to sit in good times. 

This depression in the rock would hold water after rain. You can see the grinding rub at the base of the photo.